The "import-export overhaul" aims to transpose the Union Customs Code (UCC) into French Customs' IT tools. To achieve the objective of complete dematerialisation of exchanges between customs and businesses, the UCC provides that the European Commission and/or the Member States must develop or adapt their IT systems by 31 December 2025.
Am I concerned ?
You should care about the import-export overhaul, if you are:
- A company that carries out customs formalities for cross-border trade, either on its own or through a customs broker.
- A customs broker.
- A software engineering company that provides, either customs-related services, or solutions that are intertwined with customs IT systems (e.g. : Cargo Community System).
What are the main issues and scope of the import-export overhaul?
The "import-export overhaul" aims to transpose the Union Customs Code (UCC) into French Customs' IT tools. To achieve the objective of complete dematerialisation of exchanges between customs and businesses, the UCC provides that the European Commission and/or the Member States must develop or adapt their IT systems by 31 December 2025.
This encompasses customs clearance and pre-clearance (security and safety, temporary storage), transit, monitoring of exit from the customs territory of the Union, management of guarantees and proof of customs status.

Perimeter of the import-export overhaul
French Customs has chosen to go for more modern technologies in order to take full advantage of recent developments and to offer a service that meets the needs of users. French Customs has therefore embarked on a modernisation programme with the aim of deploying around ten online services by the end of 2025.
What are the advantages of the import-export overhaul for economic operators ?
This modernisation is an opportunity to provide operators with new customs advantages or simplifications. For example:
- Entry into the declarant's records will be offered to a wider range of companies and under simpler and more attractive conditions than today,
- Additional facilities will be offered to AEOs: choice of the location for controls, prior notice when a consignment has been selected for physical control or access to European centralised customs clearance.
What is the timetable for the import-export overhaul?
The first major changes will take place from the first quarter of 2023. The deadlines are indicated in the timetable below.
Provisional timetable of the import-export overhaul - NEW PLANNING IS UNDERWAY

Provisional timetable of the import-export overhaul - NEW PLANNING IS UNDERWAY
These deadlines are also mandatory for companies engaged in international trade. From now on, it is time for all companies to get prepared for the import-export overhaul.
You can follow the progress of French Customs’ works on this page where important dates for the deployment of the new online services will be published.
Who to contact for additional information on the import-export overhaul?
For further information on the import-export overhaul, we invite you to contact your privileged interlocutors:
- The business consultancy unit of your regional customs and excise collection,
- Your trade federation,
- Your EDI connection provider (if you have chosen this option for your connections to the customs IT).
Professional federations and EDI connection providers are regularly informed by the Customs as to the progress of these works, through bimonthly user committees.
Project sheet - DELTA IE [English version] - PDF 121 Ko -
Project sheet - ANTES [English version] - PDF 141 Ko